Privacy Notice

To provide additional  information or assistance to users, Veolia Taiwan performs a data processing that allows the management and follow-up of requests submitted by the website users through the present webform. 

For this purpose Veolia Taiwan collects, processes, uses and transfer cross-border the following personal data : first and last name, postal and electronic addresses, phone number, etc.
Your personal data shall be stored for the duration of 13 months.
This personal data is intended to Veolia Taiwan in charge of the management of the requests.

By completing this webform, you give your consent to the collection, processing,use and cross-border transmission of the personal data by Veolia Taiwan that concern you as stated above.

We inform you that you have a right to access, duplicate, rectify, supplement, limit, erase, and if applicable to portability, concerning your personal data.
You also have a right to request Veolia Taiwan to stop collecting, processing and using your personal data.

In order to exercise these rights, you may send an e-mail to [email protected].


Please note that if you do not provide your personal data completely for the purposes as stated above, we may not provide our services or assistance to your requests.